Die Plattform für digitale Innovationen der Bau- und Immobilien­wirtschaft


Innovation Congress

Digital Planning, Building & Operations
Save the Date: October 17, 2024 | Vienna


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We are very pleased to welcome you to this year's Innovation Congress on October 17, where we will be looking together at the future of the construction and real estate industry.
Meet around 200 decision-makers from the industry, use our networking spaces and discuss the key issues of digitalization. We also cordially invite you to our evening program with cocktails and live music, which starts at 5:00 pm.

The entire congress will be live-streamed.


Innovation und Entwicklung digitaler Lösungen, Standards und Prozesse


  • Impulses, expert panels, fireside chats and networking spaces
  • 200 participants on site and online
  • Evening event with live music, dinner and cocktails

When & where?

October 17, 2024
Admission from 08:30 | Start at 09:00

From 17:00
Networking with dinner, live music and cocktails

Die HausWirtschaft
Bruno-Marek-Allee 5/1, 1020 Vienna

Innovationskongress | Digitales Planen, Bauen & Betreiben Innovationskongress | Digitales Planen, Bauen & Betreiben Innovationskongress | Digitales Planen, Bauen & Betreiben
Foto Copyrights: © Leo Hagen / Digital Findet Stadt und © Jana Madzigon / Digital Findet Stadt

Main Stage Program

Here you will soon find content and speakers of our Innovation Congress. Subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date.

You can find the program of the last edition here.


Buy Ticket

For questions and suggestions you can reach us by mail at office@digitalfindetstadt.at or by phone at +43 664 1252660. We look forward to hearing from you!

Media Partners & Cooperations

Past Innovation Congress Photo Album

On November 30, 2023, we hosted the third Digital Findet Stadt Innovation Congress at ARIANA in Vienna. Over 25 experts guided around 200 participants, both on-site and via live streaming, demonstrating how digitization can make the entire building sector more resource-efficient in the future.

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Digital Findet Stadt
Die Plattform für digitale Innovationen
der Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft

Prinz-Eugen-Straße 18/1/7
1040 Wien
+43 664 4189214

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